Excuses, Excuses . . .
December 13, 2014Get Up Off the Couch, NOW!
Well folks, the time has come – holiday season. It feels like just yesterday I was wrapping presents for Christmas last year. Time sure does fly. Every December, I hear people talk about their resolutions for the New Year: what they are going to change, how they are going to change it, etc. Losing weight/getting in shape still holds the number one spot (surprise, surprise). Now, I am all for resolutions as I think they bring much motivation, but I personally think that your health is something that shouldn’t be taken seriously only on January 1st.
Losing weight is not something that you complete and then stop working for it. Staying fit and lean is a lifestyle change and needs to be maintained. I am not here to bore you with the reasons WHY you should change your unhealthy ways because you already know them and you have ideas of how to achieve them (stop eating at restaurants 5 nights a week, don’t drink alcohol every night, move your body, etc.) I am here to simply tell you not to wait until January 1st to make this positive change – start NOW.
Getting on the exercise band wagon now will make a huge difference when all of those holiday parties enter your lives. While I do not want you to gorge yourself on sweets and high calorie cocktails, it’s okay to indulge and you will feel a lot better eating those treats knowing you got workouts in. Also, if you are working your butt off in the gym, you are less likely to overdo it with the high calorie food and drinks. It is a total win!
Here are some ideas to get you into a gym TODAY:
• Treat yourself to personal training sessions, new sneakers or new workout gear to get yourself to the gym. New apparel is great motivation. I love showing off new stuff!
• Quick and effective workouts: People think that they need to spend hours in the gym to achieve their goals – not the case! Hit the gym for however much time you can commit (no more than an hour is necessary!) Remember, every workout counts – even if it’s 15 minutes.
• Rewards. No, not food. But things like TV shows. Make the rule that you can only watch last night’s episode of The Walking Dead if you exercise first. You will enjoy the couch time even more!
Significant changes can be made way before January 1st. Having your pants feel less snug will only keep you motivated to continue this path well into the New Year. Here is your chance to finally choose a new resolution – make it a good one!