
Eat & Drink Cranberries (Cocktails) for Your Holiday Health

December 4, 2015

Have a Guilt-Free Holiday Season



Enjoy two delicious, low-calorie cocktails this holiday season.  Kb Fitness Solutuions, Inc. has been featuring the following two at our Skinny Santa Parties.




Pear Rosemary Cocktail

4 pears

16 fl Oz. Vodka

1/4 cup sugar (we could eliminate or just do agave or some other sweetener?)

12 sprigs Rosemary

1.5 cups Pear Nectar

4 cups Carbonated Water 


Makes 16 servings

110 Calories, 12g carbs, 10g sugar, Vitamin C (3.2%), 55mg Potassium (yay!)






Cranberry Mint Cocktail

Mint Leaves as desired

1 Bag of Cranberries

½ cup Cranberry Syrup

16 fl. oz Vodka

1 bottle Seltzer Water

1 cup Lime Juice

103 calories and 1.1 grams of sugar







Why Eat & Drink Cranberry?


This time of year Cranberry can be found in many dishes and drinks! Many of us know of Cranberry sauce and Cranberry vodka drinks, but they also tend to be laced with sugar. These rich and tart berries, a part of the blueberry family, do pack a health benefit including fiber (5 grams per cup), vitamin C (13mg, 18% of the Daily Recommended Intake) and manganese. The also have vitamin E, copper and vitamin K in smaller amounts. They are also relatively low in sugar on their own. Including them in your recipes this time of year can boost your health for the cold winter months to come!


Typically found in grocery stores between October and December, picking the brightest and hardest berries are the best indicator of their quality. Cranberries have a history of Cranberry sauces at Thanksgiving since the 18th Century. Cranberries are also well known for their ability to prevent UTIs. One benefit is the acidity of the berries, but mostly due to their content of proanthocyanidin, which prevents bacteria from staying in the urinary tract causing infections. Many studies have demonstrated it’s effects on children and women’s bladder health. Cranberries are also helpful in preventing inflammation due to it’s phytonutrients that impact the cardiovascular system and digestive tract. Many research studies are still being completed regarding the full effects on cholesterol and blood sugar management due to their impact on reducing overall inflammation. Cranberry also has been linked with decreasing the expression of tumor cells and improving cell death of cancer cells. Here are a few ideas to include them in your kitchens this time of year:


  • Try pureeing them with oranges and adding a small amount of sugar
  • Try roasting them in the oven
  • Try adding them to smoothies
  • Bake with them
  • Purchase them dried with little added sugar
  • Cook them down to cranberry sauce 

The Author

Karen Bobos, MSed

Karen M. Bobos, MSed, has been in the fitness industry since 1996 and feels her highest accomplishments are those results achieved by her clients through her guidance. She educates clients that there is no trick to being healthy, no magic pills, but rather optimal health is achieved through eating right and moving your body.

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