
Onsite corporate wellness programs have been proven to lower health claim costs, display greater work morale, improve work performance, and build camaraderie among employees. Customizing any program to meet your needs, our professional team assures high quality services and successful outcomes.

Whether looking for a full or part time wellness team, or a la carte services, we bring wellness to you! Several of our most popular services are listed below. Please click on each service for a detailed description.


Group Fitness Classes

We can provide any group fitness class to employees. The most common classes are strong abs and back, strength training, kick boxing, cardio circuit training, boot camp classes, Zumba, & Pilates.

Yoga Classes

Employees can release and relax from their day or start their day with a rejuvenating yoga class; often done in a conference room or onsite fitness center if available. During the warmer months, we can take the class outdoors if desired. Click here to read more.

CPR, AED, & First Aid Classes

You never know when you will be faced with an emergency situation. All employees should be trained and certified in CPR! Our team comes to your worksite to certify 4 -16 employees per class. We provide adult, child, & infant CPR through the American Heart Association. The guidelines change in November 2010, so if you were certified before then, it is time to get recertified and learn the new guidelines! Click here to read more.

Massage Therapy

Employees love being rewarded and appreciated with massage therapy! We can provide chair or table massage in minimum increments of 15 minutes for a minimum of 2-hour bookings. Click here to read more.

Fitness Coaching & Personal Training

Corporations can offer their employees personal training onsite, whether in their office or worksite fitness center. This is perfect for employees or executives who prefer to work out on their own, schedules don’t allow them to participate in group programming, or have a specific goal they would like to work with a Kb Fitness professional on their own. We also provide in-home personal training, which is always an option depending on where the employee lives. Often, corporations choose to staff a fitness coach onsite several hours a week or full time depending on the number of employees. Onsite fitness coaches can be available to help employees on individual goals and keep them on target throughout the work week assuring results are achieved. Click here to read more.

Nutrition Coaching

Our nutrition coaches are registered dietitians who can place employees on individual meal plans for whatever their dietary needs require. Nutrition coaches usually come to a worksite weekly or bi-monthly for individual appointments or group sessions. Having a nutrition coach onsite is ideal for assisting employees with weight loss, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure and other lifestyle-related disease concerns. Click here to read more.

Weight Loss Programs

Is your corporation or a department within the corporation looking to put together a group support weight loss program? We can customize a weight loss program with a nutrition coach and personal trainer. Our nutrition coaches are registered dietitians who can put employees on individual meal plans. We can create your corporations own “Biggest Loser” program, keeping it safe and effective!

Health & Fitness Assessments

It’s important to be aware of where you are when it comes to heart health and fitness levels to know where you need to make changes or if you are on track with your health! Popular health & fitness assessments include: blood pressure screenings, metabolism testing, cholesterol screening, body fat testing, flexibility testing, posture assessments, gait analysis, cardiovascular testing, and muscular endurance and strength assessments.

Smoking Cessation Programs

The use of tobacco can lead to several cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and other life-threatening diseases. Escape 2 Fitness works with the American Lung Association (ALA) to provide onsite smoking cessation programs for employees.

Blood Pressure Screenings

Hypertension is referred to as “the silent killer” because it is often detected too late, whether it has already led to a heart attack or other lifestyle-related disease. It is wise to have blood pressure screenings on a regular basis. Corporations who have a fitness coach on site can have blood pressure screenings available to employees whenever needed.

Health Fairs & Wellness Days

Make a day of health and wellness by providing an onsite health fair or wellness day which can include a variety of wellness activities for employees to participate in throughout the day. It’s a great way to introduce your corporation’s initiatives to begin wellness services for employees or recognize employee appreciation.

Wellness Programming

Kb Fitness can customize any program to fit the wellness needs of your corporation. Such programs include: Walking Clubs, Ergonomic Training, Fitness Challenges, Boot Camps, and more!

Healthy Food Catering

Tired of employees bringing donuts to work meetings that keep counteracting your diet! Our professional chefs are registered dietitians and can cater your next work breakfast, luncheon, or holiday party. Delivered fresh, delicious and with nutrition content and information to your event. Click here to read more.

Healthy Cooking Classes/Demonstrations

In groups of 4-16, depending on available space, your employees can learn to replicate delicious, healthy meals led by our registered dietitian and personal chef team. Once the class is booked, you will receive a list of class topics such as Summer Seafood Dishes or Cooking with Alternative Grains. Each topic will have three dishes that employees will be able to enjoy at the end of class. Our team brings all the supplies, including a portable cooking range if needed. Fees are based on number of participants, includes groceries and lunch for all participants!

Interested in starting a wellness program at your company?

Click here to complete our online form, and someone from the Kb Fitness Solutions team

will be in touch within 24 hours, or call 312-222-1414.


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207 E. Ohio Street, Suite 344
Chicago, IL 60611

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