Service Policies
All payments must be paid in full prior to scheduling. Credit card information must be provided to hold an appointment time. Credit card information is secure and confidential. Individuals who cannot make payments by credit card must contact Kb Fitness Solutions, Inc. directly. Unless otherwise discussed all packages are renewed on the completion of the last session. A 48 hour notice is needed prior to clients last session to ensure payment information can be updated.
Packages and sessions must be utilized within a 3-month time frame.
There are no refunds on any Kb Fitness Solutions, Inc. purchases.
Packages cannot be shared among parties; our packages are designed to help you achieve a specific goal, which may be inhibited if the package is shared among parties.
If a group class or duo session takes place and a participant cannot attend, the participant cannot make up that session nor is the participant reimbursed by Kb Fitness Solutions Inc. for the missed session. We charge per session, not per participant. Participants need to discuss payment among each other.
Please provide 24-hour notice to cancel any session. We realize that “LIFE HAPPENS,” and sometimes you cannot always provide such notice due to emergency situations. Thus, we created a “LIFE HAPPENS” policy, which allows our clients to have a less than 24-hour notice cancellation 6 times per year, not exceeding more than one per every 2 months.
If you have a special situation, which may cause you to have several less than 24-hour notice cancellations, please inform us immediately, so we may work with you accordingly.
Appointments that are cancelled with less than 2-hour notice do not apply to the “Life Happens” policy.
The “Life Happens Policy” applies toward Kb Fitness Solutions Inc. staff as well, on the rare occasion they should need to cancel an appointment with less than 24-hour notice. The staff member will apply a free session to the client’s package should he or she cancel with less than 24-hour notice more than once in a two-month timeframe.
Cancelled appointments within 2 hours of the start time do not apply to the Life Happens policy. The session will be granted toward your package.
To cancel an appointment, please call 312-222-1414. We recommend also replying to your emailed appointment confirmation. If you call the office after business hours, 10 AM - 3 PM, please leave a message for our staff letting us know your name, the day and time of your session as well as who your trainer would have been for that scheduled session. We try to check phone messages up until 8PM, but this cannot always be possible. Please note that ALL CALLS received after 8 PM, for the next day's appointment, will not be considered 24 hours and your session will be deducted from your package, regardless of the time of your session for the next day. Twenty-four hours is required to cancel and change all appointments, so the trainer can be properly notified and his or her time is respected.
We charge per session, not per person. If two individuals purchase a duo training session and one individual cannot make the session, they still are using one of their duo-training sessions from their package. If in advance (at least 5 hours), the duo clients contact Kb Fitness Solutions Inc., and purchase an individual training session, we will use that session toward the individual session. We have A LOT of clients that purchase a 10 pack of single sessions that we can pull from when they do single sessions and their partner cannot attend. The 10 pack of single sessions’ expiration date is expanded to 6-months from 3-months.
Switching an appointment to another date within less than 24-hour notice is still considered a “Less than 24-hour Notice Cancellation” because the Kb Fitness Solutions, Inc. staff will not have enough time to fill that timeslot with another appointment.
Packages cannot be altered. Sessions cannot be “traded” for different sessions as their values are different.
Sessions cannot be “upgraded” at the appointment time. For example, if a client purchases a Swedish massage, he or she cannot upgrade to a Deep Tissue massage at the appointment hour. The client needs to call Kb Fitness Solutions, Inc. prior to the appointment to upgrade and pay the difference in fees.
“No Show Policy” states that if a client does not call Kb Fitness Solutions Inc. to cancel an appointment prior to the staff member showing up to his or her home, the session will be granted toward their package even if they haven’t used a “Life Happens” session in that timeframe. If a staff member shows up for a session, they will be compensated for their valuable time.
Contact Info
Mailing Address:207 E. Ohio Street, Suite 344
Chicago, IL 60611