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Healthy Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - December 27, 2022

The grocery store can be a confusing and often overwhelming place with many different products. Each product is marketed as if it is the healthiest food on the shelf.  Many people get so caught up reading nutrition labels that they can forget how expensive some of these items can be.  Here are some tips how […]

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Holiday Eating the Healthy Way

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - December 12, 2022

The average weight gain between Halloween and the New Year is around 5lbs, but this does not have to be the case for YOU this year. Here are some tips from a dietitian to get you through the holidays without the unwanted weight gain:             1. Log your Foods.   […]

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The Pumpkin Craze

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - October 6, 2022

When we think about October we think of PUMPKINS. The pumpkin craze is on, but it does not just have to be October as pumpkin is sold all year around. Pumpkin is sometime known as a superfood as it is so low in calories and packed with so much nutrition including Vitamin A and fiber. […]

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An Apple a Day Keeps the Dietitian Away

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - September 29, 2022

As apples are the second most popular fruit consumed (bananas are first as I know you are wondering), this would justify a whole article on apples since the Fall is upon us and apple season is here. Here are some healthy ways to incorporate apples into the day:     Apples for Breakfast If you […]

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Beat the Heat with Low-Calorie Hydration

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - September 2, 2022

As the summer months and heat continues, it is important to stay properly hydrated. It is best to eat calories and not drink them as food gives a better sense of satiety and fullness rather than beverages.     Water Plain water is going to be the best option for hydration and the most readily […]

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Healthy Summer Barbeque

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - July 21, 2022

When many people think of unhealthy food, they think about a barbecue summer party, but it doesn’t have to be that way at all! Barbecue food can be very healthy as grilling one of the preferred methods of preparing food in a healthy way.     Barbecue Meats: There are so many lean meats that […]

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Color Your Way to a Healthy Day

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - June 23, 2022

Since last month’s blog was about gardening, it feels like the perfect time to start talking about HOW to incorporate more fruits and veggies into meal a plan since I talked about how to grow them. It would be ideal to get 5-9 servings a day per the American Cancer Society for cancer prevention. Here […]

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Fresh From the Garden

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - May 9, 2022

There is sense of pride that comes with planting vegetables, watching them grow and making recipes those vegetable inside. If you taste a tomato straight from the garden versus a tomato from the grocery store, there is no doubt a difference in taste. Even if you do not have a large area to have a […]

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Enjoying Vacations with Healthy Habits

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - April 18, 2022

It is now spring which will be turning into summer, so are you thinking what I am thinking?  VACATION TIME!     Whether you are going on spring break or have a vacation in the months ahead, it takes time to plan. When we are planning out activities, it is also important to have a […]

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