Resolution Rescue
A Month of Resolution Rescue Events
Schedule a month of events focusing on leading toward a wonderful and healthy year. We can customize a series of events to be specific for any building or company. Please see a sample series of events listed below:
Sample Schedule
“Ring in the New You” Workout
Time for You Tuesdays
Yoga and Meditation Classes
Wellness Wednesdays
6:00pm – Series of Presentations and Demonstrations on Getting Fit & Motivated throughout the Year
Eat Right Thursdays
6:00pm – Nutrition Demonstrations & Cooking Classes
Feel Good Fridays
Lobby Chair Massage
Please contact Kb Fitness Solutions, Inc. at 312-222-1414 or at for more information or to create a Resolutions Rescue for your residents or employees.
Contact Info
Mailing Address:207 E. Ohio Street, Suite 344
Chicago, IL 60611