8 Common Traits Among Fit and Healthy Individuals (Pt. 2)
December 5, 2022This blog is a continuation of what traits are shared in individuals that are fit and healthy. People who can maintain health and fitness for their entire lives often have commonalities. In part one, I described the first four traits:
● Workouts are scheduled at the same time, same day each week.
● Fitness goals are respected, but not obsessed over.
● The aging process is accepted.
● Workouts are dynamic, and change based on life circumstances.
It is important to stress that the people I am describing are those who are older. Individuals that have stayed active for the majority of their lives have effectively navigated through life with their health and fitness in mind. The beauty of life is that it is almost never too late to change something. With the right mindset, anything can be done.
To continue this discussion, the fifth common trait among strict, fit individuals is they value the mental, emotional, and health effects of fitness more than the physical effects.
Sure, physical appearance is a major motivator in getting fit, whether it is to get ready for the summer beach body or fit in the dress for the wedding that is coming up. In the grand scheme of things, fixating in physical appearance is not a sustainable motivational source. More often than not, going to the gym or doing a workout is a short escape from the stressors in life. Gym time is a time to focus on your own needs. In the beginning, yes, you might not be thinking about this, but eventually, if you stick with it long enough, the mental, emotional, and health effects will be your motivation.
The sixth common trait is these types of individuals have learned to enjoy healthy eating.
The key word in this “learned.” At the end of the day, it is hard for whole natural foods to compete with the flavors of processed, prepared, and fatty meals. If you focus on just the taste, it will be difficult to really enjoy healthy eating. However, if you start to really value food for all the things that it provides you then you might start to enjoy healthy eating. The feedback loop in our brain is so powerful. Simply telling yourself that you will enjoy eating more natural foods because it will make you feel better and provide with your nutrients. Fully accepting this can really change your mindset. Therefore, this leads to learning to eat healthy foods.
The seventh most common trait ties in with the sixth is that these individuals learn to enjoy cooking.
People who have a lifelong relationship with health have also enjoyed cooking. This doesn’t mean they become elaborate chefs, but these people like to know what is in their foods. They want to be involved in what they are putting into their body. These individuals like to prepare their meals. They find the value in taking the 15 minutes to prepare their meals and almost like it just as much as eating their foods. Fit, healthy people have learned there are more ways to make a dish tasty without adding the extra calories.
The final common trait in fit, healthy people is that they do not waste time in the gym.
This one is simple. These people find their gym time sacred like church. There is a deep respect for their own time because we all know time is hard to find sometimes. Giving your workouts the attention it deserves serves the greater purpose.
These traits are so important because this will help lead you to the long-term game. If you haven’t read part 1, please consider going back and applying all 8 traits into your lifestyle. If you need guidance in changing your lifestyle, a fitness professional can be there to help.