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Using Hatha Yoga to Battle Anxiety

Posted by: Khloe Richardson, B.S. - April 24, 2023

Finding ways to remain calm during anxious moments and times is the key to surviving most high stress situations. Many of us fail to take the time to do an extremely simple task that assists with calming the nerves: breathe.       Hatha yoga encourages the body to listen to the breath while practicing. […]

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Yoga to Flow through the Seasons

Posted by: Khloe Richardson, B.S. - March 27, 2023

We’re more connected to the seasons than we think as a society. We are 60% water, so the weather and seasons affect us deeply. That’s why we must take the weather and seasonal transitions just as seriously as we take and consider our yoga practices. Thankfully, we’re slowly entering spring time. However, it’s important to […]

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Loving Yourself During the Season of Love

Posted by: Khloe Richardson, B.S. - February 20, 2023

Smile during your yoga practice. Yes, you read that right. Smile during your yoga practice. Have you noticed that when someone genuinely smiles at you, your mood lifts even slightly? Have you ever been in a bad mood and saw something that made you laugh and make you feel better? Even a little?     […]

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How Restorative Yoga Changed My Life

Posted by: Khloe Richardson, B.S. - January 16, 2023

Every year, it feels as though life moves faster, our attention span grows shorter, and our responsibilities grow larger due to the cost of simply existing. Unfortunately, this has created a pandemic of chronically stressed and depressed individuals who barely have time for themselves, let alone a solid self care routine. Quite frankly, we spend […]

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