Sun Deck Yoga

Residents will enjoy the beautiful weather with this opportunity to find relaxation after a hectic work schedule. Take the program indoors during the cooler months.

Treat your residents to our most popular service, yoga classes.  Classes can be offered weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or for special events, like Resident Appreciation Months.  Yoga classes can be done indoors in a group fitness studio, empty apartment, or party room during the cooler months. 


To avoid practicing in extreme heat, we recommend hosting sun deck yoga before 11:00am on weekend days or weekday evenings around 7:30pm to enjoy the sunset.  Participants will be informed to bring their own yoga mat or beach towel.  We allow 20 participant maximum to allow the certified yoga instructors to be able to observe everyone’s form assuring a safe class.  Class sizes may be smaller due to if a building has capacity restrictions.  Kb Fitness Solutions, Inc. handles all registrations and participant waivers.


Yoga Class = $95


Join our Benefits & Rewards Program for additional Savings and Complimentary Services.


Click HERE to learn about Sun Deck Yoga & Brunch services. 



Contact Info

Mailing Address:
207 E. Ohio Street, Suite 344
Chicago, IL 60611

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