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Getting Through the Quarantine Diet

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - May 7, 2020

I’m sure many of you will agree with me, these last two months have been trying, and Illinois has another month of ‘self-isolation’ to look forward to. Fortunately, there are funny people who create lol memes to help us lighten the weight of our collective moods. These memes tend to have a constant message about […]

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Nutrition for a Strong Immune System

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - April 1, 2020

When we are born, we are offered security against illness from the immunoglobins in our mother’s breast milk. Throughout our infancy, we’re subjected to dust, pets, pollen and other foreign materials to teach our immune system how to fight off invaders. Eventually, with the help from mom and our environment; our own immune system is […]

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The Basics of Intermittent Fasting

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - March 2, 2020

Intermittent fasting has been ebbing and flowing in popularity over the past few years.   What is it? Intermittent Fasting is a dieting method where people will refrain from eating for a specific time frame and there aren’t generally any foods that are off limits. Commonly, individuals will elect to withhold food for a specified […]

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Your New Year

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - January 6, 2020

The most common resolution for Americans is weight loss; but we are learning more and more about health at every size and as a society we’re gaining body acceptance. Here’s a better idea for Chicago: let’s focus on a new healthy habit. This may seem strange that your dietitian is telling you to avoid focusing […]

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Try to Maintain, Rather than Gain this Holiday Season

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - December 9, 2019

Winter with all of its festivities and chilly weather driving up our appetites; can be a challenging time for the weight conscious. For many, seasonal weight gain seems inevitable and even as the weather gets warmer, the additional weight seems to stick around. Let me reassure you: there is no mandatory weight gain every year! […]

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Dietary Supplements & Women’s Health

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - November 18, 2019

Women have very specialized needs due to our unique biology (thanks hormones!). As women go through their life journey, including special times such as adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause; our nutritional needs change and we need to focus in on whether our diet is giving us the nutrients it needs. As a dietitian, my focus is […]

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Fear Not, It’s Antibiotic Free

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - October 7, 2019

A common concern regarding conventionally raised livestock is antibiotics. We all know that antibiotics have been over-used in our own health care settings and there is a fear that our meat and dairy are passing it on to us. I recently had the opportunity to visit two different cattle farms in downstate Illinois, one specializing […]

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Adult Picky Eaters

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - September 1, 2019

  It is generally thought that children are the picky eaters, however for many individuals, picky eating lasts through adulthood. The reason why people are opposed to certain textures like fresh tomatoes and not marinara sauce is considered to be evolutionary; the causes for the avoidance of certain foods and the prefernce for others can […]

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Intuitive Eating

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - August 19, 2019

Many dietitians will explain that they “don’t like diets because diets don’t work”, therefore they prefer clients and patients to follow intuitive eating. Unfortunately the term ‘Intuitive Eating’ doesn’t necessarily translate to the population.   Intuitive eating is really just the act of listening to your body and feeding it what it not only wants, […]

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