Should You Exercise When You Feel Sick?
September 19, 2012Use the Below-The-Neck-Test
It’s Cold & Flu Season, Oh Joy! Feeling a little under-the-weather? Wondering if you should exercise? Try the “Below-the-Neck-Test,” which I define as, If you are feeling sick below the neck, don’t exercise.
If you have a head cold, choosing to exercise is really up to you on how you feel. If you have a massive headache, you probably just want to rest with a cold compress on your head. If you have a little sniffle, a little cardio won’t hurt.
If you are feeling congested, do not exercise. Your cardiovascular system is already on overload. Take it easy. Get better, so you can get back to your regular workout team before you know it. Let’s not mess with the heart and lungs when they are in sick mode. If you have the stomach flu, vomiting or diarrhea, do not exercise… as if you could. You are more than likely dehydrated. Exercise makes you more dehydrated. Again, rest, get better, and you will be back in the gym in no time!