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New Year Resolutions … Here We Go Again

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - December 28, 2021

It’s a new year, and we are ready to conquer the world!  Weight loss, tone arms, a six pack, more money, better habits … woo hoo!  Bring on 2022!   Hold on eager beaver.  This all sounds fabulous, but does it sound real?  How can this year FINALLY be the year that we make goals […]

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Girrrlll ~ It’s Time for a Health Check!

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - May 3, 2021

Girlfriends are priceless. We are there for breakups, makeups, happy hours, brunches, a good laugh and a good cry. The moments are cherished. The memories last a lifetime. Perhaps I am a little partial, considering I am an exercise physiologist, but I feel the greatest gift you can give someone you love is the gift […]

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Your Success Depends on . . .

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - March 3, 2021

YOU!  That’s right.  Seems pretty straight forward, right?  You would think . . .     A few years after I started my business, a wise client shared with me that “My business will only be as successful as the time that I put into it.”  Over ten years later, I cannot tell you how […]

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Tips to Minimize Holiday Stress

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - December 4, 2020

This past weekend, my family put up our holiday decorations.  This picture is my oldest daughter, topping our living room tree with a star.  We definitely deck our house from floor to ceiling as this is our family’s most favorite time of the year.      While putting up the wreath on our front door, […]

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A Tribute to 14 Years of Wellness

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - November 5, 2020

It’s hard to believe that I have been running a wellness company for 14 years.  As I think back of the day that I decided to jump into business on my own, the excitement and fear was probably parallel in greatness.  I have always been an entrepreneur.  My creativity and drive to put a dream […]

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Busy Parents: How to Stay Healthy, Especially if your Children are eLearning

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - September 21, 2020

I am always telling clients that consistency is the KEY to SUCCESS!  Unfortunately, life is anything but consistent, especially when you add more variables to the mix: children, travel, work changes . . . a pandemic, a city in “unrest.”  With the lack of consistency, comes stress.  When my life is in order and my […]

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Creating Joy in Your Life

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - May 20, 2020

The key to authentic happiness is leading a life with joy.  Joy is created, not found.  So if you have been looking for it.  Stop.     Truth is that people need people.  It’s scientifically proven.  People like being around joyful people.  Be the type of person that people like to be around by leading […]

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Time for YOU

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - April 23, 2020

Life is a juggling act.  As much as I pray every single for our world to get back on track, there is some truth to finding the silver lining in the world being put on pause right now.     I can honestly say that I love being mother and wife who owns a small […]

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COVID-19 Update for Our Kb Family

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - March 13, 2020

The spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has all of our attention.  Your Kb Fitness Solutions, Inc. Team  is doing everything possible to keep our clients, your children and our team members safe while delivering the best wellness services possible.   What We’re Doing We are monitoring and following all guidance from the Centers for Disease […]

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