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Is Yin and Restorative Yoga the Same Thing?

Posted by: Keli Wriston, Certified Yoga Instructor - July 22, 2024

In short, no. It’s a common misconception. Yin represents feminine energies, such as the moon, water, darkness, passivity, intuition, and softness. In contrast, Yang represents masculine energies, such as the sun, fire, light, activity, assertiveness, and forward motion. Yang is activating, while Yin is down-regulating, which leads to the confusion with Restorative Yoga. I’ll never […]

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Macronutrients 101: Understanding Protein, Carbs, and Fats for a Balanced Diet

Posted by: Wan Na Chun, M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N. - July 16, 2024

As a registered dietitian, one of the most common questions I receive is about macronutrients. What are they? Why are they important? How much do we need? In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of macronutrients – specifically protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Understanding these essential components of our diet is crucial for maintaining […]

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The Importance of Foam Rolling

Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - July 8, 2024

When it comes to exercise, what you do in recovery mode is just as important as what you do in workout mode. The foam roller is one of the most simple and popular tools used to aid muscle recovery, but it must be used correctly to be effective.       What exactly can a […]

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Embarking on your Dance Journey 

Posted by: Allison Fabrizio, B.A. - July 1, 2024

Starting something new can be both exciting and intimidating, and dance is no exception. Dance not only lets you enjoy moving your body but also serves as a fantastic form of exercise and a way to find and build community. Here are a few steps and tips to guide your journey into the dance world! […]

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Power Up Your Day: Foods to Boost Energy

Posted by: Wan Na Chun, M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N. - June 17, 2024

  Maintaining optimal energy levels is crucial for leading an active and productive life. While various factors contribute to our overall vitality, diet plays a significant role in supporting sustained energy. This article explores a range of scientifically proven foods that can help boost your energy levels and provide lasting sustenance throughout the day. From […]

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Four Surprising Benefits of Resistance Training

Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - June 10, 2024

Some of the main reasons why people start lifting weights is to build muscle, improve functional mobility, help with fat loss, and gain strength. Once people get started and stay consistent, they are often surprised to find that resistance training has other benefits as well. Here are those surprising benefits that are not as well-known. […]

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Dancing with Pride

Posted by: Allison Fabrizio, B.A. - June 3, 2024

June has finally arrived, starting the beginning of the annual celebration of Pride Month. This month-long observance is a commemoration of the LGBTQ+ community: its history, struggles, and triumphs. Amidst all the events and activities, one theme stands out: pride. Pride in identity, pride in love, pride in being.     In Pride Month, dance […]

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Mindful Eating for Summer BBQ Season

Posted by: Wan Na Chun, M.P.H., R.D., L.D.N. - May 29, 2024

Summer BBQs can be a fun and delicious way to celebrate the season. However, with so many options available, it can be hard to make conscious food choices. This article explores the concept of mindful eating specifically for BBQs. Learn how to approach the food with intention, savor the flavors, and make choices that energize […]

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The 6 Principles of Muscle Growth

Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - May 13, 2024

Starting the journey towards muscle growth can often feel daunting, but understanding the science behind the process can serve as the light that guides you to reach your goals.  But, if you just focus on completing 3 sets of 10 reps on a variety of exercises, the odds are you won’t have much muscle to show […]

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