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Does Exercise Really Boost Your Energy Levels? If so, Why?
Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - December 19, 2022Have you felt chronically tired before that you went to the doctor to find answers? Did your doctor suggest to exercise more? You might have wondered how exercise will raise your energy levels and not actually make you feel more tired. It might sound strange, but it’s true that moving more can help give […]
Read MoreHoliday Eating the Healthy Way
Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - December 12, 2022The average weight gain between Halloween and the New Year is around 5lbs, but this does not have to be the case for YOU this year. Here are some tips from a dietitian to get you through the holidays without the unwanted weight gain: 1. Log your Foods. […]
Read More8 Common Traits Among Fit and Healthy Individuals (Pt. 2)
Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - December 5, 2022This blog is a continuation of what traits are shared in individuals that are fit and healthy. People who can maintain health and fitness for their entire lives often have commonalities. In part one, I described the first four traits: ● Workouts are scheduled at the same time, same day each week. ● Fitness […]
Read More8 Common Traits Among Fit & Healthy Individuals
Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - October 28, 2022Individuals who are healthy for the better portion of their life share common traits. If you are struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but committed to making this a lifelong pursuit, try applying the tips I have below! Consistent Workout Schedule The first common trait in fit and healthy people is that their […]
Read MoreSocial Media Hottest Fitness Trends
Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - October 18, 2022It is 2022 and the age of social media. There are new trends popping out every day. This is especially true in the fitness industry. A recent article has stated that most Gen Z’s actually use social media, especially Instagram and Tik Tok, like Google. It is amazing to see how things have changed in […]
Read MoreThe Pumpkin Craze
Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - October 6, 2022When we think about October we think of PUMPKINS. The pumpkin craze is on, but it does not just have to be October as pumpkin is sold all year around. Pumpkin is sometime known as a superfood as it is so low in calories and packed with so much nutrition including Vitamin A and fiber. […]
Read MoreAn Apple a Day Keeps the Dietitian Away
Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - September 29, 2022As apples are the second most popular fruit consumed (bananas are first as I know you are wondering), this would justify a whole article on apples since the Fall is upon us and apple season is here. Here are some healthy ways to incorporate apples into the day: Apples for Breakfast If you […]
Read MoreBeat the Heat with Low-Calorie Hydration
Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - September 2, 2022As the summer months and heat continues, it is important to stay properly hydrated. It is best to eat calories and not drink them as food gives a better sense of satiety and fullness rather than beverages. Water Plain water is going to be the best option for hydration and the most readily […]
Read MoreCombating Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - August 26, 2022For those who endure through strenuous exercise, I’m sure you have felt the effects of it the next day. You can’t move, the body is stiff, and your arms are aching… what most of us allude to as muscle soreness. Now, recovery from training is becoming recognized as one of the most important aspects of […]
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