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Grab n’ Go

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - March 28, 2017

  Easily Prepared Foods that Support Your Fitness Goals       I love to meal prep.  Nothing makes me feel more “on top of things” than a good ol’ Sunday morning meal prep (exercise, a full fridge and clean house are very close seconds).  However, life happens and even I fall off the wagon.  […]

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Sleep 101

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 25, 2017

Train Better with Sleep       I’m tired. My husband is tired. Everyone I know is tired, it seems. Jobs are busy and can be very stressful for some, people have deadlines, children to watch and find the time to do the things they enjoy doing (like exercise!) It’s hard to squeeze it all […]

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Debunking Detox Diets

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 18, 2017

Have you failed your resolution?     The number one resolution people set is to lose weight and over 80% of New Years resolutions aren’t kept past February. The percentage of failed resolutions isn’t surprising when Googling “Detox Diets” yields over 8 million results. Dietitian Kerry was featured on Fox 32 Good Day Chicago last […]

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New Years Non Resolutions

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 9, 2017

Creating Change Any Day of the Year   Another holiday season has come and gone. Hard to believe that 2017 is here! Wasn’t I just in college? That would be a big fat “no” and I am reminded of this as I sift through my mail staring at my ten year reunion notices (which I […]

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New Year, New You?

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - December 29, 2016

What about New Years Resolutions?         With over 68% of Americans in the overweight category, it’s not surprising the number 1 New Years Resolution is related to weight loss. Unfortunately, over 80% of them are considered failed by February 1st each year.        1.    Set a small goal Often times we set […]

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Healthy Holiday Delights

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - December 28, 2016

The holiday season is full of holiday gatherings and parties! Traditional appetizers can not only pack calories without nutrients, but may be overdone this time of year. Try some of these Dietitian approved appetizers to bring to your next party. Your guests may be surprised at the main ingredient on the avocado mousse!      Apricot Canapés […]

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Keeping Those Stinky Gym Clothes Clean

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed -

  Secret Ingredient: Baking Soda         I live in workout clothes.  I wear them to teach, I wear them when I am out with my two kids, I lounge in them around my house and of course, I exercise in them.  Comfort is just the name of the game right now and the “athleisure” […]

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Beat the Holiday Food Guilt

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - November 30, 2016

Ways to Stay on Track this Holiday Season     “I ate and drank way too much this weekend.”  How many of you are shaking your head “yes” as you read that?  “I need to get back to the gym TODAY.”  How many of you are agreeing with that statement?  While it is perfectly fine […]

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Exercising with Children

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - November 28, 2016

They are Always Watching!       “Children are always watching,” people would tell me and boy, are they ever.  It is amazing what they remember – whether you want them to or not!  When I was able to start exercising again after having my daughter in 2013, I would place her in the good […]

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