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There is Never Any Time!

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - February 10, 2014

Fact or Fiction?     This is a story of a man named Jack. Jack gets up early and leaves for work. Jack comes home at the end of his busy day, puts his feet up, grabs his iPad and goes back and forth between Flappy Birds and An hour or two quickly flies […]

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Meal Planning

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 26, 2014

The Do’s and Don’ts   Let me paint you a pretty little picture that most of us can relate to: we come home from a long day at work, starving, to only open the fridge and have “nothing to eat.” Now, there is some food in the fridge, but it is nothing you are in […]

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Tips to Avoid Getting Sick this Season

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 18, 2014

Stay Healthy this Winter   It’s baaaaaaaack (insert creepy voice). Well my friends, it is that time of year again – flu season. I bet you were hoping I would say something uplifting like all of the spring catalogues I am receiving. Nope! It is the time of year where germs are everywhere…and I mean […]

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Making New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - December 31, 2013

“My 2014 Resolution is…..”   “To eat right. To exercise. To drop 20 lbs. Etc, etc.” How many times have you made this kind of resolution? Be honest. How many of you have actually stuck with this kind of resolution? Be honest. While choosing a fitness/diet related resolution is wonderful, not many of us follow […]

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Last Minute Holiday Gifts for the Fitness Fanatic!

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - December 19, 2013

  Wish List for Santa   Every year around Thanksgiving I say the same thing: “I am not going to wait and buy holiday presents last minute.” What happens? I wait until the last minute. I can’t pinpoint exactly why this happens each year, but this year is no different and here I am sitting […]

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Healthy Holidays at Work

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - December 11, 2013

Don’t Gain, Maintain   And so it begins. That slippery slope of overindulgence that flows from Thanksgiving, right into Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa, then on through and often well into the New Year. Food in general, ‘goodies’ in particular, are everywhere. Workouts give way to holiday shopping, parties, and the now more than ever, never-ending to-do list.   […]

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Healthy Thanksgiving Recipe #2

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - November 21, 2013

Cranberry, Cherry & Walnut Marmalade Fresh cranberries get crunch from walnuts and an infusion of sweetness from dried cherries in this take on a classic marmalade. Leftovers are great on a turkey sandwich.   INGREDIENTS 3/4 cup sugar 1 cup water 1/2 cup port, or other sweet red wine 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon […]

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Healthy Thanksgiving Recipe – Slimmed Down Sides

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - November 7, 2013

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes with Ricotta Cheese   Ingredients   3 medium sweet potatoes 1 teaspoon of olive oil 2 shallots, finely chopped ½ cup of fat free ricotta cheese ¼ teaspoon of salt ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper ¼ teaspoon of ginger 1 tablespoon of light brown sugar ¼ cup of grated parmesan […]

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Cultivating a Corporate Culture of Wellness

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - August 5, 2013

Sowing the Seeds of Behavior Change   Even in this tenuous economy, employees are increasingly seeking out organizations that embrace and support a healthy lifestyle. And likewise, such employers are attracting and retaining the health-conscious candidates they prefer to employ. Actively cultivating a culture of wellness, these organizations’ leaders understand that the environment in which […]

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