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Trends on a Tuesday

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 27, 2015

Lust List!   Happy Tuesday, friends!  I hope your weekend was great.     Every now and then I post about fabulous items I have tried out/on or purchased hoping it will help my readers.  Well, today, I am hoping I can get some help from YOU.  I am sharing my “lust list.”  This list […]

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The Scoop on Dining Out While Maintaining Your Fitness Goals

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 10, 2015

Healthy Eating vs. Having a Life   Happy, happy New Year to all of my awesome readers! Whether it was a big night out or a quiet night in (where are all my new Mom’s and Dad’s at?!), I hope it was a great evening filled with love and the motivation to kick 2015’s butt! […]

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15 Reasons for a Nutritious 2015!

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - December 30, 2014

 Get Ready for the New Year with These Tips     To Have More Energy:     “Food is fuel” is the complete truth! We must eat to give our bodies energy to perform daily functions. Just like we put gas in our cars, our body needs consistent nutrition to keep us going all day long. To […]

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Excuses, Excuses . . .

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - December 13, 2014

Get Up Off the Couch, NOW!    Well folks, the time has come – holiday season. It feels like just yesterday I was wrapping presents for Christmas last year. Time sure does fly. Every December, I hear people talk about their resolutions for the New Year: what they are going to change, how they are […]

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Things I’m Loving

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - November 12, 2014

Things I’m Loving: Fall 2014 Addition   Hey friends!  Here we go – I am back with another “Things I am Loving” post!  Some stuff is geared towards exercise, other stuff is not.  As always, I hope this list helps my fabulous female readers out!   1. Lululemon Stash it Tank  – This tank is […]

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My Favorite Salad Dressing!

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - August 1, 2014

Salad dressing: I love you and I hate you.  You taste so yummy and get me to eat all of my veggies BUT, only two tablespoons of you (which is totally not enough most times!) fill my body with bad fat, sugar, lots of unwanted calories and ingredients I cannot pronounce.  Why, salad dressing?  Why?! […]

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A Walk: Listening to Your Body

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - July 25, 2014

        Yesterday was just “one of those days.”  I didn’t feel rested (but then again, when do I feel completely rested with an 8 month old?) and just had an overall “blah” feeling.  Workouts help me in situations like this.  A lot.  When I move first thing in the morning (after a […]

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Safe Summer Running

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - July 18, 2014

      Hot and humid weather may be ideal for a BBQ or pool party but it’s quite the opposite for an enjoyable run! Here are a few tips to keep you safe while you run this summer.   1. Dress the part – Wear lighter colors and wicking fabric. This makes it easier […]

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Slimming Down This Summer!

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - July 8, 2014

  With summer in full swing, a lot of people are wanting to both look and feel their best.  Whether this means that you are wanting to slimming down to feel 110% in that new swimsuit, or you’re wanting to lose weight for health reasons. Any improvement in your wellness is better than nothing! Here […]

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