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Mindfulness in Uncertain Times

Posted by: Cathy Legget - March 26, 2020

Here we are. Our world has been completely turned upside down in just a matter of weeks with the emergence of COVID-19. The usual comfort of a consistent routine has been challenged as we adjust our day-to-day schedules to the new reality of work-from-home and social distancing. With the drastic change in daily life, uneasy […]

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Time to Spring Back into Yoga

Posted by: Jarvis Quarterman, Certified Yoga Instructor - March 16, 2020

Almost every time I tell someone I am a yoga instructor they always say “ I have been wanting to get back into yoga, do you have any tips?” So I thought this month I would put together some suggestions on how to get back on the mat after the bleak of winter!!   If […]

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COVID-19 Update for Our Kb Family

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - March 13, 2020

The spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has all of our attention.  Your Kb Fitness Solutions, Inc. Team  is doing everything possible to keep our clients, your children and our team members safe while delivering the best wellness services possible.   What We’re Doing We are monitoring and following all guidance from the Centers for Disease […]

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Use It or Lose It? How Long Does It Take to Lose Hard Won Fitness Gains?

Posted by: Randi Kant, MS, MPH, CHES, CPT - March 9, 2020

We’ve all been sidelined at some point, an injury, a sudden change in your schedule, sickness, vacation, or just needing a break to rest and recover…sounds a lot like, well, life! Nevertheless, and understandably, you may wonder how long it could take to begin to lose those hard-earned fitness benefits. Turns out the answer isn’t […]

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The Basics of Intermittent Fasting

Posted by: Janine Reinholtz, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. - March 2, 2020

Intermittent fasting has been ebbing and flowing in popularity over the past few years.   What is it? Intermittent Fasting is a dieting method where people will refrain from eating for a specific time frame and there aren’t generally any foods that are off limits. Commonly, individuals will elect to withhold food for a specified […]

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Got Milk?

Posted by: Ray Richardson, MBA - February 21, 2020

Milk in a Bag or Carton?   It’s true that plastic milk bags, not the cartons or jugs we are custom to here in the U.S., are de rigueur in many parts of Europe, Latin America and India.  These milk bags are catching on fast in Canada, South Africa, China and elsewhere as well.    […]

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A Lonely Heart Is Detrimental to Your Health

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - February 14, 2020

Are You an Owner of a Lonely Heart?   While at a luncheon this week, our guest speaker said something that struck me hard:   Loneliness has been proven to cause heart disease over smoking 15 cigarettes a day.   Loneliness causes an immediate and severe bodily reaction. It increases in blood pressure and cholesterol, […]

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Real Men Do Yoga

Posted by: Jarvis Quarterman, Certified Yoga Instructor - February 3, 2020

Moving Past The Stigma!! Men In The U.S. Are Getting Comfortable Joining the Yoga Movement!    “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”~Frederick Douglass    Women far outnumber men in American yoga studios today, which is a shame because it means there are many men out there missing out on […]

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Your Busy Schedule Could Benefit You

Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - January 27, 2020

The Science Behind H.I.I.T. It is recommended by the CDC (Center of Disease Control & Prevention) that we obtain 150 minutes of moderately intense or 75 minutes of vigorously intense exercise weekly. For the average person that has school, a family, work, etc, it may be hard to find a weekly routine. What I mean […]

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