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Why Should You Try Pilates?

Posted by: Jamie Horban - February 27, 2023

Back in my 20s when I was dancing and training to be in a world-famous dance company, I had a serious injury-I tore a tendon in my right hip. I was very frightened I would never be able to continue dancing again, but luckily, I found a physical therapist who was certified in Pilates, and […]

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Loving Yourself During the Season of Love

Posted by: Khloe Richardson, B.S. - February 20, 2023

Smile during your yoga practice. Yes, you read that right. Smile during your yoga practice. Have you noticed that when someone genuinely smiles at you, your mood lifts even slightly? Have you ever been in a bad mood and saw something that made you laugh and make you feel better? Even a little?     […]

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2 Reasons to Start Weightlifting for Weight Loss this Winter

Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - February 13, 2023

Let’s face it. Winter is a tough season. Winter challenges us. It is too cold to leave the house, our energy levels are naturally lower from the lack of sun, and we often go to hibernation mode waiting for the summer months. If your winters aren’t bad, you not live in the midwest, mountain west, […]

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3 Things to Do to Help Prevent Heart Disease

Posted by: Laura Cason, B.S., R.D., L.D.N. - February 6, 2023

February is a time to assess our heart in more ways than one. It’s important to pay attention to not only the love in the heart but also the way it works for our health. For more than 50 years, February has been American Heart Month so it’s a time to focus on prevention of […]

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Why Dance is One of the Best Forms of Exercise?

Posted by: Jamie Horban - January 30, 2023

Dance or dance fitness is one of the few fitness forms that engages the body as well as the mind. Learning and remembering choreography keeps your brain active while also initiating the creative part of your mind. It is combining mind, body and soul all in a one-hour fitness class! The cardio portion of dancing […]

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How Restorative Yoga Changed My Life

Posted by: Khloe Richardson, B.S. - January 16, 2023

Every year, it feels as though life moves faster, our attention span grows shorter, and our responsibilities grow larger due to the cost of simply existing. Unfortunately, this has created a pandemic of chronically stressed and depressed individuals who barely have time for themselves, let alone a solid self care routine. Quite frankly, we spend […]

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Fueling Our Immune Health

Posted by: Laura Cason, B.S., R.D., L.D.N. - January 9, 2023

Our bodies are constantly working to keep ourselves healthy.  Your food choices can help support immunity in your body.  Let’s start with some knowledge around nutrition. Different macronutrients and micronutrients fuel the immune cells.        Nutrients that have been identified as important for immune health include Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Selium, and […]

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Four Successful Ways to Start a Workout Lifestyle

Posted by: Carlo Varquez, M.S. - January 2, 2023

Starting to work out is a lot like helping someone move… it sounds good at the time. You organize it and get the needed gear, but the day of, it can be a complete disaster. The following tips should be seen as ways to properly get your newly sought fitness routine into action!     […]

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Healthy Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Posted by: Kim Kramer R.D., L.D.N., CDCES - December 27, 2022

The grocery store can be a confusing and often overwhelming place with many different products. Each product is marketed as if it is the healthiest food on the shelf.  Many people get so caught up reading nutrition labels that they can forget how expensive some of these items can be.  Here are some tips how […]

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