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Group Fitness vs. Personal Training

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - March 30, 2015

Choosing the Right Fit   Anybody can exercise.  Get out of bed, put on sneakers, move – it’s that simple.  However, not everyone knows how to exercise correctly.  I don’t know about you, but if I am going to spend my early mornings at the gym instead of snoozing in my bed, I better be […]

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A Favorite Shoulder Workout

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - March 24, 2015

Build Those Boulders   Exercise is therapy for me.  It’s something I have to do almost every day.  I love to switch up my workouts so my body doesn’t get used to the same thing (hello calorie burn!) and this includes both weight training and high intense interval training (HITT).  Now, I don’t exactly have […]

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Mason Jar Lunch Recipes

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - March 10, 2015

  Reusing Mason Jars to Preserve the Nutrition Quality of Lunch   A quick count reveals that I have roughly 47 mason jars of varying sizes on hand in my kitchen cabinets.  This does not include the 6 to 7 dozen glass pint jars currently occupying some storage space in the basement.    Growing up […]

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Eat Your Greens

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - March 9, 2015

  Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day the Healthy Way!   What better month to eat your greens than the greenest one of them all….March! Getting creative about which ones and knowing how to prepare them can make this task a little less daunting for those new to this. I recommend about 5 servings of vegetables to […]

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Too Sick to Exercise?

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - March 4, 2015

Cold Winter = Lots of Colds When to Skip the Gym   Offices, libraries, kids play places, subways/trains, etc. are homes to lots and lots of germs as you know and I feel like this winter has been one of the worst for getting sick (stomach bug twice in 2 months!?  Really?)  While your body […]

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Hot Sippers in Cold Chicago

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - February 23, 2015

Warm Up with Low-Calorie Cocktails   This cold weather is for the birds!  The saving grace in this case; however, is that so many great cocktails can be created using both cold and hot ingredients.  Some of the most classic of cocktails were actually at one time served warm.  Partly due to the lack of […]

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Fats that LOVE Your Heart

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - February 19, 2015

Fats Are Not the Enemy By Kerry Clifford, MS, RD, LDN   For decades, nutrition has been focused on low fat diets for health. 2015 Fact: Fat doesn’t make you fat, excess calories do. And Here’s why you need to start eating fat at every meal:   Our bodies use the fat we eat to […]

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Finding the Right Shoe for You

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - February 16, 2015

Sneaker Shopping   Hi, my name is Emily, and I am not a Doctor.  Fitness professional, yes.  Doctor, no.  Before you read this blog post, I want you to understand that these are my opinions only.  Please seek further information regarding your feet/ankle/knee problems from your personal medical practitioner.  Now that we are clear, let’s […]

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Be Careful When Cutting Calories

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - February 4, 2015

Eat More, Weigh Less   The New Year has come and gone.  Hopefully all of you are still committed to your resolution of “losing weight.”  If you have fallen off the wagon, just get back on!  It’s never too late to start incorporating healthier lifestyle changes.  For those of you that have stuck to a […]

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