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No Gym, No Problem!

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - June 1, 2013

Get Moving Anywhere   Are you stuck in a rut at the gym? Feeling unmotivated to go because you are sick of your routine? Take control of your workouts and head outside!   We are so incredibly lucky to live in a city that has a path (with a gorgeous view!) that caters to walkers, […]

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Swim Yourself Thin

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - May 22, 2013

Why YOU Should Get in the Pool this Summer!   Bad knees, bad hips, bad ankles…oh my. As a Personal Fitness Trainer, I think I have heard about every injury in the book. Whether it is an old skiing injury from the early 80’s or a slight lower back pain that has developed over the […]

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Top 10 Power Foods for Heart Health

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - February 6, 2013

Looking to jump start a healthy heart this February?  After all, it is heart health month!  Try these suggested Top 10 Power Foods:   1. Dark Chocolate 2. Olive Oil 3. Pomegranate 4. Avocados 5. Salmon 6. Beans 7. Pumpkin 8. Whole Grains 9. Mushrooms 10. Tea   To learn more, read the full article […]

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Juicing Your Fruits And Vegetables

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 24, 2013

Juicing 101 – Is it Right for You?   Juice cleanses, juice bars and juicing, oh my!  If you are not living under a rock (or under your covers trying to stay warm in this freezing weather!) you have probably heard someone mention the term “juicing.”   I know I have.  It seems as though this […]

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Delicious Whole Foods to Purchase the Next Time You Go to the Grocery Store

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 16, 2013

Emily’s Grocery Haul   When speaking with clients about healthy food options, I am often asked “what do you eat?”  I love giving my clients and friends healthy meal and snack options and encourage them to try different whole foods.  I always tell clients that you do not need a lot of ingredients to make […]

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Stay Energized With 5-7 Mini Meals and Not the Typical 3!

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 9, 2013

Emily’s Go-To Snack     You wake up.  You fire up the coffee maker (or head over to the nearest Starbucks-yum!) and finally eat breakfast.  Less than 2 hours later, you find your stomach growling.  What if I told you that you don’t have to wait until noon to eat your next meal?  That’s right, […]

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Keep Your Body Moving When You Are Not At the Gym

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 4, 2013

Making Strides Towards a Healthier You!     You did it.  You made it to all of your appointments with your personal fitness trainer! Not once did you call to cancel due to feeling “tired” or because it was a “long day at work.”  With that being said, the weekend is finally here and you […]

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Holiday Workout

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed - January 2, 2013

Burn Those Calories This Holiday Season!   Get moving and make a change for the Holiday’s! Try these 5 big movements in a small amount of time!   *Please note that it is important to receive physician’s approval before starting any exercise program.   1. Jump Squats/Fast Squats: Control your breathing. To modify, you can always perform the […]

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Quick and Effective Workouts for People Short on Time!

Posted by: Karen Bobos, MSed -

Drop and Give me 20…Minutes!         “I am too busy to workout.”  We have all heard it.  We have all said it.  While these six words that escape our mouths can sometimes be true, chances are great that this little sentence is a lie…a big fat lie.  (Yes, I am talking to […]

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